Dear Odyssey Youth, Supporters, and Alum,
As you know, Odyssey Youth Movement has been in the process of selecting a permanent Executive Director to lead our organization. The Board of Directors, with the input from volunteers, youth, and community members, has selected Ian Sullivan to serve in that role.

Ian has been Odyssey’s Interim Executive Director since April of this year. His experience, skills, and connections in the community make him the best choice to help continue to stabilize funding and grow our organization.
Under Ian’s leadership as Interim Executive Director, Odyssey launched a young-adult program to serve 18-24 year olds. He has also headed up several events like our 25th anniversary brunch and Masquerade, and has helped us secure grant funding which allows us to continue to serve LGBTQ+ youth in our community.
The Board of Directors is excited to continue working with Ian, and we hope you will join us in welcoming him as Odyssey’s Executive Director.
If you’d like to schedule a meeting with Ian or a representative of the Board of Directors, please contact us at 509-325-3637.
Thank you for your continued support of Odyssey and the youth we serve.
Megan Cuilla
Board Chair
Odyssey Youth Movement