Odyssey needs your help to continue the crucial work of supporting our community’s LGBTQ+ young people through our current crisis.

With the recent Stay Home, Stay Safe orders from Governor Inslee and the social distancing recommendations in place, we know that isolation impacts LGBTQ+ young folks even more deeply as they are separated from supportive friends, adults, and systems in their life. LGBTQ+ youth may also be forced to isolate in a setting that is harmful to their wellbeing and mental health. With that in mind, Odyssey Youth Movement’s drop-in programs have moved to a digital format so as to reach as many LGBTQ+ young folks in our community as possible. Odyssey needs your help to continue this work. These efforts include four nights of drop-in, support groups, as well as helping individual LGBTQ+ youth navigate the array of community resources for themselves and others in their household. The funds raised here will go to support direct needs of youth participants as they arise, as well as sustain staff and mentor facilitation of these digital programs. We know times are difficult for many of us, so thank you for being a part of Odyssey Youth Movement and supporting our community’s LGBTQ+ youth. Help continue the mission of Odyssey Youth Movement by clicking below.
Thank you for being a part of the movement!
Odyssey Youth Movement Staff, Board, and Youth

24/7 Crisis Resources
The Trevor Project: For LGBTQ+ Youth
Call 1.866.488.7386 or visit TheTrevorProject.org
Trans Lifeline: A resource by Trans folks, for Trans folks
Call 1.877.565.8860 or visit TransLifeline.org