School Partners, Students, and GSA Advisors, As the new school year begins, Odyssey wants to be sure you have the digital materials needed to support LGBTQ+ students both in-person and in digital classrooms. Odyssey has created a digital back to school kit where you will find a variety of resources to guide the facilitation of GSAs and similar student clubs and ways to make all education spaces safe and affirming for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning students. To request access to the drive message Odyssey staff at

Included in the Back to School Kit GLSEN Jump Start Guide
2018-2019 School Climate Report
2020-2021 GLSEN Calendar and important dates
Gender info graphics
Genderbread Person Blank Worksheet
Odyssey materials
Recommended Reading
Sexuality info graphics
Youth Crisis Resources
And more!!!
Additional resources can be found online from national partner GLSEN HERE
Please reach out to be sent your own digital kit or with any questions or if you would like to hear more about Odyssey’s Drop-In, training programs, and community education. With your help we will continue to work towards a future of thriving LGBTQ+ youth throughout the Inland Northwest.
Ian Sullivan
Executive Director
Pronouns: He/Him
509.325.3637x101 (Office)
Sevan Bussell
Director of Adv & Ed
Pronouns: They/Them
509.325.3637x102 (Office)