Dear community members,
We’d like to thank you for being a part of Odyssey Youth Movement. For nearly 30 years, Odyssey has worked alongside you and other community members to promote equity for LGBTQ+ youth in the Inland Northwest. As the new year approaches, we’d like to invite you to invest once again in Odyssey programs and resources.
This holiday season, Odyssey continues to facilitate drop-in programming on a hybrid model, welcoming vaccinated participants back into the center while continuing to offer virtual and outdoor programs in order to provide connection and community for as many LGBTQ+ youth and young adults as possible. We’re excited to see Odyssey’s vision of thriving LGBTQ+ youth in the Inland Northwest becoming a reality through stories from youth like Sam, who started attending Odyssey this year and is now a member of the youth leadership team, and Dani, who has been sharing her story on Odyssey’s Tiktok account, OYM OURVoices.
In addition, the Odyssey Basic Needs program has grown substantially over the last couple of years and continues to evolve to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ youth and their households. The Basic Needs program provides a variety of resources, including meals and snacks at the drop-in center, as well as the Odyssey clothing closet, fully stocked with clothing, hygiene supplies, and other essential items for all participants, including gender-affirming apparel for transgender and non-binary youth. The Basic Needs program works to support any needs that may arise for youth, such as bus passes to access services and employment opportunities.
As 2022 approaches, Spokane’s LGBTQ+ youth need your support. For youth like Sam and Dani, your investment makes all the difference. You can support these youth and others like them by donating securely online at With your help, we can continue to provide programming and resources into the winter months and ensure Odyssey youth have what they need not just to survive, but to thrive.
Please consider investing today. We’re glad to have you as a part of this movement as we continue to work together to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ youth and young adults in the Inland Northwest.
Yours in community,
Ian Sullivan (He/Him/His)

Executive Director
Odyssey is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law EIN: 91-2045932